He was NEVER Qualified....was the Reason, Ha!

Social media geeks up some of these men. Well, it actually gives them a platform at times to further degrade women. I read so many things that I know are trash and are not uplifting to us as humans....hey that is the point of social media, right. I skim past things that have been shared as fact without even commenting a lot of the time. I see people living fraudulently and I don't say a thing. 

Today...I decided to correct some people. Share some things with my opinion. Then I ran across a blog post that got shared written by a Shawn James titled "Why Real Men Avoid Single Mothers....15 reason." Screech! Halt! Stop the press! Did someone even dare! Yep. Some low self-esteemed individual, not used to rejection went there. I usually just bypass the ignorance, but it's getting shared and some people are agreeing with this mess. Clearly, things like this strike a cord with me if it is blatantly disrespectful and inaccurate. I think what happened is this dude has gotten rejected on so many levels, he had to take it there....find some group to target. It's ok boo.....I'm gonna tell you the real advice he meant to give to the men, but couldn't because he needed it himself. 

First, for those who didn't read his blog, here are the 15 reasons he gave why men should not date single mothers (he's dumb as f*ck if he or anyone actually believes and follows this shit). 
1. Never available
2. You are not a priority, everything else is
3. Thinks the world revolves around her and only her (bullshit)
4. Emotionally unavailable (more bullshit)
5. The ex/Baby daddy is always there 
6. The kids are always working against you 
7. The kids will hate you
8. Entitled attitude single mothers think because she had a baby out of wedlock the world owes her everything (the fuck?! he had to be high when he wrote this)
9. Distorted self image (here he attacked our bodies)
10. Always the victim (seriously?)
11. Jekyll & Hyde personality
12. Drama Queen
13. In most cases she's dating to make her Baby daddy jealous (another high moment, clearly)
14. Dishonest
15. Carries baggage, baggage, and more baggage (fuck him...at this point)

Ok, my bad. I couldn't even get through the list without getting highly irritated. Seriously. I wasn't re-evaluating my life, I was just re-evaluating the bums that may be bypassing me. Fact is this sir.....there are so many, and I repeat, many of these type of thinking dudes that would not even qualify to be anywhere in my presence. Wait...what number is that, yeah #3, lol. 

I don't have a list in numerical order just a rebuttal to this bullshit. Just know the most important thing a man needs to know when dating a single mother, a good woman, hell.....this can be reversed as well... BE QUALIFIED....yes, it is that simple and so many fail. I am an educated, divorced, hard-working, professional, beautiful, single mother....guess what....if you don't qualify, bye!

Why waste time and be available for someone who is not worth it? Stop being a selfish crybaby and show interest in her life. If there is genuine interest from both parties, time will be made, it's called compromise. A REAL man understands priorities and has a life where he is not dependent. He has a life outside her when she is not available, it's called balance. If you are that needy, that means you are looking for a new MOMMY. I don't know about everyone else, but I'm good in that area and am not trying to raise anymore kids. Again, be QUALIFIED....this time in the area of CONFIDENCE, so you as a MAN, will not need constant validation from another person to tell you how great of a person you are every waking minute of your life. You will be able to deal with a confident woman instead of thinking she is full of herself. Single mothers and women as a whole deal with a lot, so when they are confident, deal with that shit....and build your confidence up! 
Now this whole bullshit about the ex/baby daddy/child's father, etc....seriously? This again is where a REAL MAN is not going to have an issue because he is confident in himself. The WEAK ONE on the other hand is only going to think about the next one. REAL WOMEN don't have time nor interest in dealing with the fuckery. If all you are going to do is think, whine, complain about if/when some other dude may or may not pop into the picture, clearly you ARE NOT qualified. I can guarantee you I would never sit and give a weak soul play-dough man-figure, an explanation about some bull shit he has grown in his head about an ex. Let's now group the kids....if they hate you, I hate you. I mean, reading this, all I know is if the kid is small, they always tell the truth. Like, a 5 year old will tell you if your breath stank, if you are ugly, if your hair is nappy. Kids do not necessarily work against you, but they do call you on bullshit in general. If you ARE NOT QUALIFIED to be around kids or deal with kids...chances are you act like a big ass kid and they don't want to compete with you, so boom!
Now, the whole distorted body image point was pointless. Body-shaming makes you automatically UNQUALIFIED to date any real woman...WITH OR WITHOUT CHILDREN. Bodies change over the years. I, love my proof of purchase (stretch marks). I know my body looks better than some that have never had kids, but if you are a man complaining about my body after kids....FUCK YOU! Yep, I said it. Should I feel like I should be grateful that someone wants me after my body isn't perfect after kids....uh, how about no! I'm sexy and do not expect a little boy to notice how sexy these stretch marks are. Never a victim, most single mothers I know own theirs and others too. Matter of fact, single mothers are notorious for carrying the world on their shoulders a lot of the time. While the world is rotating, she has little time to be a drama queen because she is tending the the needs of her children, her job, cleaning, cooking, trying to balance some kind of social life and maybe squeeze in a date here or there. The only baggage a single mother would have is that of whiny, worthless, lame excuse of a man trying to take up her space and time. 

The whole blog post was a joke. It was clearly written by someone who was so insecure in himself and found himself dating when he was not ready. He needed to grow up, become confident in being a man. He was not sure of how to do that and it seemed like he was looking for a motherly figure to raise him....competing with a woman's kids and her exes. He seemed to be upset with not getting enough attention and got a thrill out of tearing down women. What are his QUALIFICATIONS?
I hope no woman reads his garbage and takes it personally or decide to lower their standards to attract a bum as such. I hope they read this and understand that someone who writes something like this is never QUALIFIED to have their time, call, text, or even get a thank you if they compliment them....they are selfish bastards. Does he have a right to choose a woman that does not have children? Yes, he does. Matter of fact, he should. The thing is, if this is his mindset, and if she is experienced, educated, and has any self-worth....she wouldn't entertain him. 

You have to be QUALIFIED to have my time, my affection, for me to open up to you, to appreciate my body, to understand my mind, to even understand my space, to meet my kids, for my kids to like you, to understand my dramatics.....there's levels to this shit. A lot of these men are basic as fuck and the ones that are not understand this shit. 

Excuse the language...kinda...sort of

Brain Purging


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