Tell Her Grand Things

Word Up....Hey!
If you have a daughter, a niece, sister or any young female in your life that means something to you....tell them something meaningful that will matter. It is important to build young ladies up from youth, so they know they have the potential to be everything great. 

It is important for the young lady to hear how intelligent she is, how caring she is, that she is a beautiful person on the inside and out. She should hear how proud you are of her and that nothing is impossible. She should be given tools to deal with the harsh realities of the "real world." Let her know that she may hear "no" many times, but with hard work and determination she may hear that needed "yes." Let her know that character will always supersede that on the outside. Let her know that it is okay to be afraid at times, but that fear should not crush her ability to move. She is worthy of greatness. Standards are more than okay. Settling is never ok. Balance is key. Part of life is growing. It is okay to smile, to laugh, to cry, to be upset. Seek knowledge. Teach someone something. Never let yourself become drained to where you cannot function. Happiness starts with YOU. 

She needs to hear these things. Often and in different contexts. As she experiences disappointment from friends, family, and other relationships. As she is making life decisions. It is important that she hears words of encouragement so she can face the world. She will be less likely to accept less than favorable words from others. She will be comfortable with her decisions, not afraid of the fear that comes with movement and change. She will hopefully have a great love of herself. She will appreciate the good in people. She will have dignity. She will appreciate the seeds that have been planted. 

Tell her grand things. She's precious. If no one has ever told you anything grand, read this and apply this to your life. You are grand. You are beautiful deeper than your skin. You are worthy of all the greatness the world has to offer. Be kind, loving, open, honest. Times change and can be difficult, but you can overcome it. It's ok to ask for help sometimes. Sometimes you have to let people and things go to get where you are meant to be. Challenge yourself. Rip the bandaid off really fast. 

Brain Purging


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