Critically critical, Microscopic scrutiny

I remember a time before we told everyone our every move, our every thought....because it didn't matter on such a grand scale to everyone else what we did. I mean, it did matter, but it didn't really matter so much. It is so wild how social media and technology has put everything under a microscope. Everything is left to be criticized and judged in some shape or manner. Everyone is going to be a little more self critical of what they put up (hey, did I spellcheck?)...while there will be many who will attempt and still fail at it. Oh, did I mention that we are now in a time where there is so much more judgement. 
It is amazing that I can remember a time before all of this. People were so different then. Friendships and relationships were so different then. There was substance in relationships. I think you could actually touch real people, smell them, hug them or something. Who actually remembers a phone number? No, seriously. Right now, there are so many cyber relationships....all kinds. Think if you were in a dire need, could you rely on your 4,543 cyber friends? No, seriously....are all of them running to the rescue when you are stranded on the side of the road? At times, social media can be emotionally draining, too much for morale. Especially when you witness people portraying one life and displaying another. I don't think we ever thought we'd live in a time where a few strokes of a keyboard could be the fatal blow to a relationship, a life, a career, self-esteem... everything. 
Don't get me wrong, there are definitely benefits to social media. Wonderful connections can be made, families and friends can re-connect, businesses can expand, positive words and messages shared. 
Then there is the criticism. The scrutinization. The judgments. I guess that is the double edged sword of it all. The libra scales of balance...good & bad, dark & light, yin & yang. Can't even wear the same outfit twice without someone commenting on it. It's nice when things aren't picked apart. Just some random thinking.

Brain Purging


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