I Changed My Mind

I changed how I viewed the world. 
It was no longer this dark, negative, blank space where I could get lost and blend in. Where I could sucked up into this wormhole of draining energy. 
I figured out, I was looking at everything wrong. 
I was choosing to see what I wanted to see versus what was being shown to me. How many of us can admit that is what we do or have done? 
You can't appreciate things in life for what they are if you project your expectations onto someone, a situation, an environment. Things are what they are. Simple. 

I changed my mind. I chose to be gratuitous. Show gratitude in everything. Even when something is bad according to social norms, I would be grateful. There is a lesson. I am gaining something, even when something hurts. Oh, it requires practice though. The things you are grateful must outweigh everything you can complain about. Life is full of second, third, even more chances of getting something right.....how can you live only complaining about what's wrong? I'm thankful for everything and that is a promise. 

I chose not to judge. I can have an opinion, but even that does not always need to be heard. It will be heard when I deem it necessary. 

Let things flow, but give it direction. Nothing has to be forced. Why do we force things? An outcome that was not supposed to be, just cannot be. I don't let my mind force things to exist. It's all exercise of the thinking. 

Imagine how much more everyone would enjoy life if they just changed how they viewed things. Just  a question that got me writing. 

Brain Purging 


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