Kill it with the Generalizations!

Everybody is NOT Everybody!

When will we learn to let down our guard enough and open up enough to stop saying "everybody this"...."women be doing this"....."men be doing this." 

It is not only unfair, it is unhealthy in any kind of intimate relationship, or a relationship where the goal it to grow into something more than just casual buddies. Statements such as these applied to an intimate partner tell them that they are not special to you, they are not unique, they are like everyone else. If that is the case, why are you even there? 

We honestly need to grow past placing generalizations on every person we interact with because that hinders our growth. All people are not like all people. If you are attracted to someone, get to know that person for who they are individually. We cannot allow past hurts, past experiences, past people to be applied to the next. This is not an age dependent nor sex dependent flaw either. It happens so frequently that people do not even realize that their growth is hindered by it. The most well-put, most seemingly got-it-together person can become fundamentally flawed by not following something has simple as this. 

Yes, this is an opinion. I think it applies to life though. 

We have to grow and this is something that hinders growth. 

I try and figure out the "why" behind such thoughts and I believe the pain and fear associated with the emotions of attachment and detachment make it easier to generalize. It's protective and deflective. Nonetheless. 

Just thinking. 

I am Jackie


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