Veracity and stuff

Veracity in today's I think of this and have mixed emotions. It is an expectation of anyone that I have any type of interpersonal dealings with, if I am to take them seriously. helps if they know it means, right?

Veracity- (noun) habitual observance of truth in speech or statement; truthfulness. Conformity to truth or fact, accuracy. Correctness or accuracy

Basically, mean what you say. Say it truthfully, stop saying bullshit. Don't spit lies. I mean, that's my interpretation of it. Something has happened in our time....the millenial era, where veracity is like a medieval word. Where one would start by saying, " a long time ago, people had wonderful qualities to their character such as veracity." 

Why, though? Why can this not just be a good thing to project? When coming in contact with someone, whether it be work, casual acquaintance, life in general. We need to get back to core, quality character traits. There is nothing more cool than saying what you mean and meaning what you say. A lot of people have become entertainers though. It is so much easier to believe a lie. Hell, people believe it if it's on the media posts it, or if Beyonce says it. Ok, that was a reach. 

It's a cool trait to be honest. To mean what you say. To have fact-based conversation. To expect that from others because it should just be. Plus, the word helps expand your vocabulary. Just a thought.

Brain Purging


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