My Own Reality Show

So, I thought about my own reality show. It really is just this thing called life I am really living, but somehow, people think they know you based on it. Yep. Reality show. 

Did you not know that social media is helping me create this reality show? Oh, well yes it is. There are some active characters. Usually, the ones others can see and also speculate about their life as well. There are the background characters.....they don't have a big story line but you occasionally see them. Special guests show up here and there. I usually announce it. We cannot forget the ones who make the show dramatic...critics and lurkers. These are the people putting posts, stats, pictures together like a damn jigsaw puzzle and think they have something figured out. Then they ask questions of other people in public to think they have the real-real story. They never do. Although, I find it quite amusing to hear the stories. I mean, have you ever heard a story about someone or even yourself and was like DAMN! Only because you know that is not how the story went, but you had to play along....with the stupid, lol!

Image result for thinking faces

Yeah.....too bad I can't get paid for the show. I don't even have a cool name for my show. I will think of one. Random thought. 



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