Color Wars

Beauty is skin deep they say.
I don't see color some say.
Racism is dead....old.

So, what you're trying to tell me is that my eyes are lying to me? That brown, black, white, cream, yellow, beige, tan person that I see with my eyes does not exist?

That's a damn lie. Unless, you are legally blind, really color blind we all see color. Guess what? It doesn't matter that we see the color. It is what makes us unique! It tells us where we come from. I love my brown chocolate skin with yellow orange undertones. I love the characteristics that are uniquely mine. My big lips, thick wavy hair, rounded nose. I love me. Matter of fact, there are many of all races that find me attractive. So, like I stated earlier....color is not the issue.

The underlying issue is the hate that is associated with the color. There is a hate that exists inside some people that disgusting. See, social media has allowed a platform where people feel safe to say whatever they want and think it will go without consequence. There are those that have Facebook profiles with hateful pictures. There are people that just wait to post hateful comments directed at a specific race or group. 

I live in a county where the racial divide is disgusting. People say, "oh, it's a choice to live blah, blah, blah." To some degree, it is. On the other hand, it amazes me how one can try to speak from the other's perspective. If you have no insight or experience on how it is to live impoverished, broken household, as a minority, it really isn't for you to speak on. It is easy to say, it is about choice. True, choice plays a part. There is also a large psychosocial factor. There is also trust. Why would I want to trust a group of people after reading the degrading comments and words they have to say about others of my race....or others in the neighborhood I may have grew up in? 

This post was sparked by the local news posting about a skating rink needing police intervention after there was a rowdy group of teens. Apparently this was a teen night. There was a mixed crowd and a flyer for a teen birthday party that was African-American. There were maybe 100 people in the parking lot....can't be too sure what the news reports. Of course this is a skating rink used by most, even the inner city kids. Now, why did I read the comments?

These people likely live locally. What is sad is that hate is often taught, reproduced, spread to the next generation. So, how do we expect any change? I find it funny when I get asked by my non-black friends questions about my race as if I have the answers. Stop making generalizations is what I tell them. If you are not black, don't expect to understand our struggle. Unfortunately, no matter how you add the numbers, carry the one, also will not come up with a solution. Being black, I just know those 2 things for sure. Hate and negativity doesn't solve problems, it creates bigger problems.I would hope that those people with so much negativity, anger, hate, and fear figure out their own life. I also hope that they realize, some of them are so stupid to think they can hide behind social media. I mean, people are losing their jobs over their ignorance. More importantly, spread of hate is a toxic and horrible thing to do. 

So like I stated, yes. Color, I do see. I also, see what's underneath.

Brain Purging


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