Ahhh, it's Contagious! In a good way

Positive affirmations. That's when you tell yourself something good, usually on a regular basis. 

"I am beautiful."
"I am smart."
"I am an awesome parent."
"I do my job well."
"I look good in my clothes."
"I am a sexy mother..." you catch where I'm going lol
Image result for looking in mirror

This stuff is important to do when negativity drives your environment. When all you hear are negative adjectives to describe things or the negative attributes being spoken of versus the positive, your brain is wired for negativity. It's sad. You forget to look for the good and appreciate the good....even the good within yourself. You pick apart things and view life from "glass is half-empty perspective." Well, that is draining....gloomy....and quite sad. 
I had to practice positive self-affirmations because I didn't realize how negative I was. How negatively I viewed the world. I couldn't see the positive without seeing the negative first. I always saw the negative first, and that carried a lot more weight. I couldn't appreciate a compliment, never took it as being genuine, always questioned the motives. Even typing this, I'm like "dang, the world molded her to have a steel-wall." Yeah, that's how I felt. I cannot recall exactly when I started talking good to myself. It's not only doing that, I had to believe what I was telling myself. 
Truth be told, I am the shit. I know that. I believe that. Being positive, thinking positively, spreading positivity is work. Even accepting positive stuff...is work. The outcome is beautiful...more than what you get from the negative end. 
Guess what? The glass is half full, ha!
Image result for glass half full
You are smart. You are awesome. You look good in those jeans! That was a great idea! You are the shit!

Brain Purging


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