What will you be great at?

"Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate, but that we are powerful beyond measure" ~Marianne Williamson

A powerful quote that makes me think of how powerful the mind is. We are usually our greatest critics, but we can also be our greatest motivators if we overcome the limitations we set on ourselves. The voices we hear in our heads whenever we are moving to do something in life will either empower us, limit us, or leave us stagnant. Sometimes we just fear being as great as we can be be because we don't know anything like it. We have not experienced the power or purpose at that level. We get caught up in everything around us, everything outside us, when all we need is inside us. 

We possess a radiant energy that can be used however we want. Think about it. Have you ever wanted to do something so badly, but didn't have the means? Was there an obstacle you had to face in life and never thought you'd overcome it because all odds were stacked against you? What were your limitations? The outside factors were there and were outside your control. The only thing you had control over was yourself. We control how far we are willing to go. A lot of the time, the better we are becoming, the more uncomfortable we initially feel internally. We are entering new territory. It's just new to us. We, at times, create these internal boxes in our minds that we don't realize can stretch beyond our own limits. God has made us great beyond what any other human can comprehend. Shoot, I'm great beyond my own comprehension at times. 

This quote speaks volumes to me because I can remember exact points in my life where I was afraid of being great, of having power. Ha! I felt like Peter Parker did when Uncle Ben told him "with great power comes great responsibility" or something like that. Ok, I'm an action hero nerd. Focusing again. In all seriousness, just knowing my past and where I came from, if I listened to them....them being the statistics, the doubters, society, the haters, I wouldn't be where I am. If I just let the outside influence me, my moves, be my inspiration, I'd be lost. I remember every big goal in life I accomplished, I would think the world was going to end. No, seriously. I was a little lonely, but felt my purpose was being fulfilled. I found joy and self-fulfillment in what I was doing. As quickly as that lonely feeling came, that's as soon as it left. 

God blesses us all with something. We are all great at something. We all serve a purpose. Find your purpose. Your purpose is definitely something positive that inspires someone and creates a ripple effect. Like, your touch is felt in more than one way by more than one person. Did you know that? No matter what it is that you do, be great. Smile, have joy, spread love because there is power in that. Do not be afraid to be great. Everyone can't follow you on your path to greatness. Yes, your path. Those that are supposed to be there, will be. Everyone has their own path though, and that is absolutely ok.

That is all for now. 

Brain Purging


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