It's Not Even Significant

Too often we glorify insignificance. We make things sound great that really aren't. We notarize nothing. Thank you social media. Thank you news outlet. Thank you entertainment industry. Thank you technology. Thank you America. Yes, I said it. How else would we be able to explain the rising stardom and exuberance of Reality television and it's stars. Seriously, the Kardashian. Enough said. Their entire family has made being insignificant significant. Maybe the only significance is the brand that has come out of being insignificant, other than one's life is being saved by their existence. One may argue about some entrepreneurship, sorry, they aren't pushing that. Pretty faces will get you some places in the real world. We have to stop glorifying unrealistic glamour goals. Glorifying objectification, perfection, ignorance, intolerance, and things that diminish purposeful work as humans. Everyone has an opinion, including me, hence this blog, lol. 
Materialism, greed, do more to gain more is the mentality that this younger generation sees. Existing next to someone rather than gaining meaningful contact is the norm. Violence, trap music with slurred lyrics, waist trainers, facial contouring, the newest labels, the new Jordan's (which are actually the old ones just released again), Housewives of everywhere, Love and Hip Hop of everywhere, becoming the next rapper, next Instagram model, bundles of weave, fast money, disrespect before getting disrespected, gaining followers, labels, and there is so much more that is just insignificant. It's made to be something though. 
We have to do a better job of glorifying things that matter. Like God, character, education, aspiring others to do better at all times. Glorify those being an example, those serving our community. Know something about your local and national political happenings as this is going to affect how many bundles you can get and from where they can be attained. No, seriously. Jobs matter. Your health matters. Make it of importance to take care of your body. Know that healthy has many appearances. Real women come in many shapes, stretch marks are beautiful and normal. Do not encourage violence of any form. Acknowledge those making a difference in your community, just like you do those celebrities that may never visit your state (and surely not for free). Make those graduation pictures go viral instead of those "slayed prom" pictures. Sorry, no one is dancing in that mermaid style dress. It was cute, but it was a bit over the top. 
Let's stop making things that don't matter a big deal. Just saying. 

Brain purging 


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