
What do you think of when you hear the word mirror? I think of reflection of oneself. You pretty much see what is there. It is difficult to get a true idea of what resides deep inside. I also believe that what is on the outside is a reflection of what is going on inside. If someone is truly happy, positive, living well, it shows. When someone is living a poor quality of life, negativity broods inside them, that also shows on the outside. 
Mirrors show one thing when clean versus dirty. Brightly lit mirrors will show more than dimly lit mirrors. Do you love mirrors or avoid them? Are you able to handle what is being shown when you look at your reflection or is it too much for you? 

I think all relationships we have in life should be like mirrors in order for them to  be beneficial to us. If the people who we hold close to us cannot allow us to see how we really are, we don't grow. Introspection is one thing, but we also need constructive criticism and to be able to see our short-comings without being offended. Mirror-relationships are great. They are those that teach you about yourself and allow growth. These are hard to come by though I have realized. In order for these types of relationships to exist, both have to be able to handle the truth. To be in a relationship with someone and see your true self, many people cannot handle that. Some just like to stay in that superficial space where things do not hurt ever. Without pain, there isn't growth. Without introspection, reflection, and construction, there is no growth. Relationships that aren't like mirrors won't grow you. They are ok, but just know we all need one or more of those mirror relationships in our life. 


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