Seasons and ish


Technically, it isn't winter yet, but the chill tonight will be real. The wind will be brisk, cold, and piercing. There is snow and ice visible, the trees are without leaves, the ground is frozen. While I complain about freezing in the cold (I really don't like it, my fingers hurt, Reynaud's I'm sure), I welcome it. 

These cold temperatures are necessary. Some animals hibernate, some things can't grow, some things die, some things slow down, some things remain the same. Days are shorter, the nights are longer. We need the cold temperatures, we need the winter. A hibernation has to occur inside of us. The seasons are very symbolic of how things in life need to change. We can learn from the cold temperature and winter. The sun and the moon will still be there. The stars, they're still there....until they burn out. Seasons change. People change. Environments change. 

We may need to chill out, appear to be winter-like. Some things in our environment may need to die, slow down, stop growing in order to allow room for the new things to come. Spring is around the corner. That's where newness emerges. Be the sun, the moon, a star. 

Winter is so necessary.

I am Jackie
Brain Purging


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