Vow to Sprinkle Black Girl Magic at All times

I am Jackie. 

I vow to sprinkle Black Girl Magic everywhere I go!

If I had a satchel with a bag of it, it'd be a literal action. I'd dust everything with Black Girl Magic. Since I don't, I will let the essence of me be that figurative dust.
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I will be as great as I was born to be. I want you to be great too! I'm so serious when I say this. I am regal, a Queen, intelligent, resilient, ambitious, beautiful, empathetic, gregarious, insightful, resourceful, loving, strong, goofy, stern, a leader, a mother, a sister, a daughter, a neighbor, a friend, human, a unicorn. Image result for Unicorn

Obstacles are temporary. Pain is temporary. Set backs are just that....a moment to sit back and regroup. There is an abundance of greatness, opportunity, redemption, pathways for you, for me, for us if we want them. There is no room for negativity, doubt, or brooding of fear. Uplifting others and recognizing their growth helps me. 

Being the best version of me because my little ones are watching is one thing. There are so many others watching and I didn't understand my impact and influence for a long time. I know now. Black Girl Magic dust has reach. Even the smallest positive, glowing, melinated particles floating around positively impact and inspire others. That's one of my life goals. I aspire to inspire....even in my sleep. Yeah, it's already happening. 

I am Jackie. I am full of so many things. You are too!
Brain Purging 
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